After the digestion process in the brain, next is the first place your food goes: Your mouth!

Yep, digestion occurs in the mouth also. How?

With chewing!

When you begin chewing your food, digestive enzymes are released in your mouth to begin the breakdown of carbohydrates. Simple carbs such as refined flours and sugar are the first things to be broken down and it begins before your food even enters your stomach. Complex carbs such as sweet potatoes and high fiber veggies also begin to break down but these take a bit longer.

However, proteins, such as that nice juicy steak you had for dinner, need more work before they can be digested. This is where chewing is so important. When you chew your food, you are actually creating more room for the enzymes of protein digestion to get in there and break it down. The breakdown occurs in the stomach but if the food isn’t properly chewed, the enzymes can’t do their job.

How does this impact weight loss?

Recent studies have revealed that fast eaters are at increased risk for being overweight. In addition, several studies have shown that chewing at least 40 times before swallowing decreases the hormones that cause you to be hungry and increases the hormones responsible for fat burning.

An additional benefit is that eating slower and taking more time to chew helps you to feel full sooner and because you will probably get tired of chewing, you will eat less!

So, at your next meal, count your chews and aim for 20-30 chews before swallowing each bite. How many did you get?