Did you know that digestion begins in the brain? That’s right, it begins in the brain. Our brain and our digestive system are intimately connected. What’s going on in one has a huge impact on what is going on in the other.

When we start to think about how yummy something is going to taste, our brain gets our juices flowing in our digestive tract. When we smell delicious food, our brain stimulates the enzymes that break our food down so that it is able to be digested.

On the flip side, if we are in a hurry, are anxious or worrying about something, or if we are emotionally upset, our flight or fight response is activated in our brain. This is a built-in response from the caveman days when we faced serious threats daily. It tells our body that we have more important needs than digestion and so it totally stops it.

So what does this have to do with weight loss?

A lot!

When our food is broken down properly, we are able to absorb all of the nutrients from it and our cells get the nourishment they need. This keeps them happy and when our cells are happy they help to create signals that tell our body that we aren’t hungry.

When we eat and our digestion is turned off, the food doesn’t really do us any good. For one, it sits in our stomach too long and can lead to acid reflux. Second, it’s not able to be broken down and our cells don’t get any of the nutrients. They are still hungry and so they tell our body that we are still hungry and we eat more.

So what is a busy, stressed out person to do?

Take 3 minutes to calm your mind before eating. Just 3 minutes. That is all it takes and you can do it while sitting in the drive thru. It’s called alternate nostril breathing. This quick and easy strategy will turn of the flight or fight response and help get the juices and enzymes flowing.

Give it a try right now and you’ll be ready for when you really need it!

Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama)

Step 1: Hold your right hand in the peace sign. Place your ring finger and pinky on the the left nostril and your thumb on the right nostril. The 2 extended fingers are placed just between your eyebrows.

Step 2: Begin by lifting the fingers from your left nostril and breathe in for a count of 3 (you will only be breathing through the left nostril). Hold for a count of 3

Step 3: Replace the fingers on the left nostril and lift the thumb from the right nostril

Step 4: Breathe out through the right nostril for a count of 3. Hold for a count of 3

Step 5: Breathe in through the right nostril for a count of 3. Hold for a count of 3

Step 6: Replace the thumb over the right nostril and lift the fingers from the left nostril. Breathe out through the left nostril for a count of 3

This is one cycle. Repeat the cycle 4-5 times.

How’d you do?